About Us

About Us

America Walks leads in promoting walkability. We equip organizations and individuals from across the country with the resources needed to create more walkable, safer communities for people of all ages and abilities. Whether it’s assisting a small town in building sidewalks or advocating for changes in highway construction policies, we collaborate with people from all walks of life to enhance our neighborhoods and ensure everyone benefits.

  • Inform: Provide thought leadership and public education on walking and accessibility-related issues, as well as training and technical assistance on how to advance community projects 
  • Inspire: Engage with advocates of all backgrounds to shine a light on walkability inequities and drive a transformative narrative for positive change
  • Activate:  Mobilize a diverse range of advocates, professionals, and policymakers to work together in support of policy priorities that promote walking and movement

The Movement

For decades, decision-makers have prioritized cars in our communities. In doing so, they have split our public spaces, increased pollution, and exacerbated inequalities everywhere. But now, there’s a growing movement to rebuild connection and protect our health—and the people have never been more energized. 

It takes a community to build better communities. Together, we can lift up diverse voices, support a healthier environment, and drive real change in the places we live.