America Walks believes that all people should be able to enjoy safe, healthy, equitable, inclusive, and accessible neighborhoods for living, working, and leisure. Here are the types of policy and funding issues that America Walks works on, in partnership in with other national organizations, and driven by the needs of local community advocates:
- Safe streets
- Accessibility for all ages and abilities
- Mobility justice, including decriminalizing jaywalking and breaking up exclusionary zoning
- Safety of vehicles for people outside of cars
- Abundant and affordable housing in walkable places
- Transit (the middle leg of a walking trip)
- Access to parks, public spaces, and trails
- Mixed use neighborhoods that support local businesses and jobs
- Repairing the damage caused by highways and auto-centric land use policies
Following are recent policy statements and positions taken by America Walks:
- Coalition letter to U.S. Department of Justice urging adoption of the Accessibility Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way
- Coalition letter to USDOT to reinstate guidance setting equity, safety, and sustainability as priorities for its transportation programs
- Coalition letter to the Department of Justice to address the harm caused by pretextual stops
- Coalition letter for EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to support adaptive reuse and location efficiency
- Comment letter urging reform of the Manual of Traffic Control Devices
- Letter to USDOT to support restorative and transformative Reconnecting Communities projects
- Comment letter urging reform of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards