America Walks is proud to announce that a Speaker Honorarium Fund has been established with Eco-Counter as a founding sponsor. This fund is rooted in America Walks’ dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion in programming. Providing a modest payment will help defray the costs of those that may not otherwise be able to participate while increasing the diversity of voices heard.
Our funding does not yet permit us to provide an honoraria for all speakers (a future goal!). The fund is set up to support speakers, nonprofit organizations, or volunteers who are otherwise not sufficiently compensated for their labor on behalf of the community.
We are incredibly grateful to Eco-Counter for establishing the fund.
Eco-Counter has more than 20 years of experience developing automated solutions for counting pedestrians and cyclists. From coast to coast, Eco-Counter’s temporary and permanent counters are trusted by leading organizations to enable a data-driven approach to bike and pedestrian planning.

We welcome other financial partners to support our Speaker Honorarium Fund.
It is our mission to uplift grassroots voices and we believe the Speaker Honorarium Fund will allow us to share a multitude of stories and reach an even wider audience.