America Walks is proud to offer a variety of programs that empower communities to create safe, accessible, equitable, and enjoyable places to walk and move.

Walking College
The Walking College offers participants an opportunity to hone their skills and knowledge around creating vibrant, safe, accessible communities for all. Paired with experienced advocates, fellows learn about the historical underpinnings of the car-centric transportation landscape, the basics of design and policy of non-motorized transportation, and develop essential leadership skills.

Community Change Grants
The Community Change Grant program supports the growing network of advocates, organizations, and agencies working to advance walkability. Grants are awarded to innovative, engaging, and inclusive programs and projects that create change and opportunity for walking and movement at the community level.

Walk2Connect programming helps develop Walking Movement Leaders. We provide them with skills, education, and inspiration to connect with neighbors and build communities that meet their unique needs.
Find Local Walking Organizations

These organizations are working at the state and local levels to make walking safe, routine and enjoyable.