Walkability Wins Part Thirty: Incremental Changes Pave the Way

a couple is walking on a trail, they are holding arms, one has a walking stick

A new roundup of Walkability Wins. This month we’re showcasing the movement by highlighting more places across the country who are transforming mobility and advancing pedestrian-friendly agendas.

Cayce, South Carolina

An annual festival in Cayce, South Carolina featured a demonstration of a temporary protected bike lane and a two-mile family bike ride with Mayor Partin. The bike lane is a project by a Walking College Fellow who focuses on helping her community be more accessible by increasing walking and biking. 

Thank you to Dara Brown for this win!

Blanco, Texas

The Blanco City Council unanimously approved an ordinance reducing the maximum block length, which was over 1300 feet.  The new maximum block lengths are 278 feet or 612 feet depending on the zoning district.  The new smaller blocks match the historic part of town and will provide a great foundation for walkability.

Thank you to Laura Swinson for this win!

Washington D.C.

Residents of Mount Pleasant neighborhood successfully campaigned to close the street in front of Bancroft Elementary during key school hours to enhance safety. The residents coordinated with city agencies, recruited volunteers and successfully turned a dangerous traffic situation into a community-building initiative. This has not only improved safety for the school but also transformed the street into a vibrant, social space for students and families. 

San Diego, California

The City Heights Community Development Corporation has been awarded $3.3 million by the California Air Resources Board to develop bike and pedestrian infrastructure, enhancing connectivity in the City Heights neighborhood. This funding aims to connect key areas like the Cuatro affordable housing complex with local transit plazas, promote sustainable mobility through new bike lanes and enhanced lighting, and support community outreach efforts. This initiative is part of broader efforts to promote sustainable transportation and improve air quality in the region.

Little Rock, Arkansas

After years of advocacy, the City of Little Rock Board of Directors approved a resolution to authorize a Vision Zero Policy this month. This adoption paves the way for a new safe systems approach to roadway safety. The plan sets out to reduce traffic deaths and serious injuries by 40% by 2040 with the ultimate goal of eliminating all traffic deaths and serious injuries within the City.

To catch up on previous installments of Walkability Wins, visit our blog. Have a win? Send it to us: social@americawalks.org.