A new roundup of Walkability Wins. This week we’re showcasing the movement by highlighting more places across the country advancing pedestrian-friendly agendas.
Watsonville, California
Huge housing, walkability, and business development changes are coming to downtown Watsonville. The Watsonville Specific Plan changes zoning and redevelopment allowing for more mixed-use housing developments with shops, offices, and commercial space near bus stops and bike trails. There are many pedestrian improvements to sidewalks, crosswalks, traffic flow changes, and bus shelters to encourage alternatives to driving. These improvements call for a road diet that includes wider sidewalks and upgraded crosswalks, new bike lanes, and more frequent bus service.
Montgomery Township, New Jersey
The pedestrian landscape is improving in Montgomery. The township committee is carrying out upgrades to safety, accessibility and connectivity for pedestrians. The target areas are Route 206 and Route 518. The upgrades throughout the summer have included improving the physical appearance of crosswalks, sidewalks, providing housing options near public transit, and reducing traffic congestion. The goal for these main thoroughfares is that pedestrians, bicyclists and transit riders of all ages and abilities will be able to safely move throughout the area.
Provo, Utah
The city of Provo is leading a crucial pedestrian project to make Center Street safer for pedestrians as speeding is a major concern. Five main aspects of the street are changing, resurfacing, raised crosswalks, enhanced lighting, shared lane markings for bicycles, scooters and vehicles, and outdoor dining. The raised crosswalks will provide traffic calming and pedestrian visibility.
We know that distracted driving is one of the most concerning behaviors in our roadways. Distracted driving crashes, specifically those involving cell phones, are one of the fastest-growing causes of traffic crashes. In order to reduce that, Missouri has enacted the Siddens Benning hands-free law. This prohibits drivers from physically holding or supporting a cell phone, typing, writing, sending or reading a text, recording, posting, sending or broadcasting videos, and watching a video or movie.
National Week Without Driving
In case you missed it, check out our blog with stories from across the country on how local advocates challenged their decision-makers to experience their community without driving and learn about the obstacles facing their constituents..
To catch up on previous installments of Walkability Wins, visit our blog. Have a win? Send it to us: social@americawalks.org.