Walkability Wins Part Twenty – Accessibility, Raised Crosswalks and Road Diets!

elderly couple walking on a sunny street

A new roundup of Walkability Wins. This week we’re showcasing the movement by highlighting more places across the country advancing pedestrian-friendly agendas.

Port St. Lucie, Florida

With the award of a Supporting Healthy Aging Through Parks and Recreation grant from the National Recreation & Park Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),  the Port St. Lucie Parks & Recreation Department (PSLPRD) launched an evidence-based walking program called Walk With Ease. This program has been proven to help people with arthritis or other related conditions reduce pain, increase balance, strength and walking pace, and improve overall health.

Millinocket, Maine

2022 Maine State Walking College Fellow Barbara Riddle-Dvorak is well on her way in bringing her Walking Action Plan to life. The Walking Action Plan centered around accessibility and increased usage of the Michaud Trail through various upgrades and improvements. Using the “Quick Start Mini Grant” distributed by AARP last year, Riddle-Dvorak has successfully installed eleven signs on the trail that include icons for ADA accessibility, strollers, and dogs on leads.

Columbia, South Carolina

A road diet is looking to transform one of Columbia’s most dangerous intersections. Through collaboration with the South Carolina DOT and the Five Point Association, the Harden Street Road Diet project is coming to fruition. After years of advocacy to make this area more accessible and safer for pedestrians and cyclists, there will be a reduction of lanes and mid-block crossing. The goals are to calm traffic and increase pedestrian safety.


The mass transit service in York and Adams Counties in Pennsylvania called rabbitcares has launched a Grocery Cart Program. The organization conducted a comprehensive survey of cart recipients and found many benefits. These grocery carts are collapsible carts that make it easier for individuals with disabilities or older adults to go on a grocery run.


Raised crosswalks save lives and that is why the Hawaii Department of Transportation plans on raising crosswalks across the state. The first raised crosswalk was put in 2019 and there were some concerns but now with over 130 crosswalks, residents are asking for installation in their own communities. The crosswalks act as a speed bump and slow drivers down and also make pedestrians more visible to drivers. Installation is easy and cost is effective – a great way to prevent major crashes.

To catch up on previous installments of Walkability Wins, visit our blog. Have a win? Send it to us: social@americawalks.org.