WEBINAR: Climate and Age-Friendly Communities

In her new book Climate Resilience for an Aging Nation, community resilience and housing expert Danielle Arigoni argues that we cannot achieve true resilience until communities adopt interventions that work to meet the needs of their older residents.

Join this America Walks webinar for a discussion on how and why it is essential to integrate an aging lens into community planning, climate resilience, and disaster preparedness efforts 

The discussion will be hosted by America Walks board members Arlis Reynolds, a city council member from Costa Mesa, CA, and David Dixon, an urban planner with Stantec.

Panelists Include:

Like all of our webinars, this will be recorded and available after the fact. But you’ll want to join us in real-time if you can for the opportunity to ask questions of our guests and live-tweet along with us. You’ll also receive ample resources and additional materials if you RSVP.

Join us: Tuesday, December 12th

2:00pm – 3:00pm, Eastern