WEBINAR: The Right Way to Do Transportation Cost/Benefit Analysis

Towards incorporating health costs into transportation decisions

Imagine if you could analyze alternatives for a regional transportation plan and predict changes in diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and respiratory-related ailments based on the adopted plan. This has been done in ten regions using new scenario planning tools based on the accumulated evidence of the health effects of active transportation and road building.

In this webinar, panelists will share the tools used and how they were applied in their communities. Cost-benefit analysis of road investments has historically focused on time savings for people in cars, and the assumed productivity benefits of roadway expansion.  These benefits have been monetized yielding the appearance of economic gain through tools that have externalized massive health and environmental-related costs known to surpass the gains being considered.

With every webinar we host, our goal is to provide attendees with new information and knowledge to walk away with and perhaps apply in their own communities and advocacy efforts.

In this webinar we are hoping guests will take with them these learning objectives:

  • About the experiences of regions that have measured the health impacts of transportation and land use plans
  • About the current state of research on the health impacts of transportation decisions
  • How current tools can measure health impacts 
  • That health costs can far outweigh alleged time savings from roadway expansion

The Right Way to Do Transportation Cost/Benefit Analysis

Join us with Larry Frank of Urban Design 4 Health, Alex Kone of The Genesee Transportation Council in Rochester NY, Deb Reardon of the Regional Transportation Commission in Southern Nevada, and Kim Anderson from the San Joaquin Council of Governments in CA as they analyze the intersections of health, transportation, and land use plans across their regions.

Tune in: Thursday, December 15th at 2pm, Eastern